It is commonly known thatdrunken driving is a taboo to drivers, for alcohol can penetrate into people's blood, affect their brain and lead to traffic accidents.However,many drivers today drive even when they are intoxicated, either for their personal habits or for business reasons.
Drunken driving can be very disastrous.For one thing, it can bring about disasters to the victims, who are either killed or severely injured in the accidents.For another, it is harmful to the driver himself, and the driver should at least be partly responsible for it.Furthermore, drunken driving jeopardizes the security and stability of the society.
There are many ways to reduce drunken driving.Firstly, there should be a provision in the law to prevent people from driving when they are drunk.Secondly, the mass media should also play a role in publicizing the hazards of drunken driving as well as in educating people to obey the traffic rules.Last but not least, the drivers should establish a strong sense of responsibility for others as well as for themselves. After all, life is the most important.
话题作文都是根据给出话题自拟题目,这个题目不是“天马行空”胡乱一写,而是要准确揭示话题所体现的内容,切忌穿凿附会、生拉硬套。在这一点上,话题作文的宽泛性也体现出了弊端,因为其范围之广,所以在拟题上反而给学生带来了困难,所拟题目 “千人一面”,所写内容穿梭于几个话题之中,把能写的都写了,结果却适得其反。为此,对于话题作文的拟题,我们一定要有“化大为小”的意识,即对写作范围加以限制,使话题由大变小,由虚变实,由抽象变具体,最简单直接的做法是:在所给话题的前面或后面加上适当的词语进行增补。如以“愿望”为话题,我们就可以拟“小草的愿望”、“愿望破灭”等。在宽泛的范围内,选择一点,不及其余,只有这样,我们才能把这“一点”写好、写深刻,从而达到人们常说的“一鞭一条痕,一掴一掌血”的效果。
Since our learning burden was reduced, we have had much more time to enjoy ourselves and develop our own abilities.
Last Saturday, I, together with my friends Zhang Ming and Li Hua, went to the bookstore. We had intended to buy some books to be used as extra homework. But we found that there were so many wonderful books, such as Chicken Soup for the Soul, that we just could not bear to put them down. At last after much mental struggle, we each bought 5 books, including 3 different copies of Chicken Soup for the Soul, so that we could exchange after reading.
Of course I did not forget my academic study. After I finished my homework, I previewed what to be learned in the next week. I also went online to get some information about what I did not understand in my studies, from which I gained a lot of knowledge.
In a nutshell, reducing the learning burden not only gives us more time to have fun but also offers a freedom to develop on our own.
As a student I am very pleased to see that the burden of learning have reduced .Endless homework and classes made me crazy and we all hate learning,but we have no choice but to accept them . Now days the burden of learning gradually reduce: we need not to go to school so early, we have fewer jobs, on weekends and holidays we don't need to worry about making up a missed lesson . We can have more free time to play games together with students and friends , have more time to rest, to see our favorite films and television, to read some interesting books. Have a good rest help us to meet the lessons more 0f spirit. Of course,we can not be completely study nothing.having free time means that we can make full use of time to improve learning with efficiency.All in all it is surely that reducing burden benefit all students.
可见,列夫・托尔斯泰的名言“幸福之家各个相同,不幸之家各有各的不幸”也不必完全奉为真理。关于幸福的答案,同样是丰富多彩的。 《答案是丰富多彩的》
White pollution attributable to carelessly lost throw, difficult to degradation processes, resulting in the serious pollution of the urban environment. White pollution of primarily from food package with people pace of life, social life forward facilitation, health development. In order to meet this demand, disposable foam plastic food containers, plastic bags, chopsticks, glass and other start frequently entered the people's daily life. These easy to use, affordable packaging materials to people's lives and brought its advantages. But on the other hand, these packaging materials in use after being throw, result in "white pollution"; formation of environmental hazards, as environmental issues. Pack, foam-filled packaging, snack box, mulch, etc. The use of plastic bags, bags and baskets, reduce garbage, let the Earth more beautiful!
The problem of “white pollution” caused by used plastic is becoming increasingly serious, in which plastic shopping bags play an important role. In China about three billion plastic shopping bags are consumed every day, which results in a great waste of resources and heavy environmental pollution.
Luckily, The government has put a nationwide ban on the use of free plastic bags, demanding that all stores and supermarkets not provide customers with free plastic bags after June 1. The rule will undoubtedly reduce the use of plastic bags and enhance the awareness of environmental protection. It is highly advocated that we should turn to cloth bags and shopping baskets from now on.
white pollution refers to plastic pollution. it is a new member of pollution family, but it grows fast. unrecyclable plastic lunch boxes line along railroads. plastic shopping bags dance in the wind. when leaders are busy mapping out blueprints for the future, one colour white from white pollution becomes their headache.
everything in the life circle deserves its place on earth. if we continue using plastic lunch boxes, shopping bags and other unrecyclable plastic productsmwhat would happen ⅱ one day they might bury us in an ocean of white rubbishg then the earthmour common home, would be a dustbin.
to prevent this nightmare from coming true, governments need to work closely with each other and back up their verbal commitment by actions. however, it is not enough only to ask what governments can do to get rid of white pollution, we must ask ourselves what we as individuals can do to colour the earth green instead of white.
Throw the white pollution plastic bag suround the environment was not very good.I never do that,I think environment need ours to protect.If everyone threw the plastic bag in the ground,our city will to be bad.Protect the environment it's ours duty.