







A man from the state of Chu wanted to sell a precious pearl in the state of Zheng. He made a casket for the pearl out of the wood from a magnolia tree, which he fumigated1 with spices. He studded the casket with pearls and jade2, ornamented3 it with red gems4 and decorated it with kingfisher feathers. A man of the state of Zheng bought the casket and gave him back the pearl.

Too luxuriant decoration usually supersedes5 what really counts. This man from Chu certainly knew how to sell a casket but he was no good at selling his pearl. And the man of Zheng didn't know which is really valuable.




In the reign1 of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, Grand General Huo Guang was a minister who occupied a decisive position at court and was deeply trusted by the emperor. when Emperor Wudi was dying, he entrusted2 Huo Guang with the task of assisting his youngest son Liu fuelling (Emperor Zhaodi)in go verning the country. After the death of Emperor Zhaodi,Huo Guang made Liu Xun the emperor. who was Emperor Xuandi of the Han Dynasty. Controlling the imperial government for more than 40 years ,Huo Guang had rendered fairly outstanding service to the Western Han Dynasty. After Liu Xun ascended3 the throne, he made Imperial Concubine Xu his queen. Hankering after wealth and rank, Huo Guang's wife Huo Xian tried to make her youngest daughter Chengjun the queen of Lin Xun. So ,taking the opportunity of the queen's illness, Huo Xian bribed4 a woman doctor who poisoned the queen to death. The venomous scheme was brought to light,and the woman doctor was put into jail. Huo Guang knew nothing about it beforehand, and it was not until after the event that his wife told him about it. Seized with terror, Huo Guang reproached his wife for doing such a thing, He thought of reporting his wife for her crime, but at the same time did not have the beart to have her wife punished. After much hesitation5, he conceited6 the thing offensive to God and reason in the end. After Huo Guang died,Emperor Xuandi was informed of the case. Someone was sent to investigate it. Hearing this,Huo Guang's wife discussed with her family members and trusted followers7 in order to find a way to deal with her family members and trusted followers in order to find a way to deal with the situation. Three decided8 to call the clansmen together to stage a rebellion. But the secret was divulged9. Emperor Xuandi sent troops to surround Hue's home, and all the members of Hue's family were executed. Commenting on the merits and demerits of Huo Guang, historian Ban Gu(32-92) said in "The Life of Huo Guang "in his History of the Han Dynasty that Huo Guang "had neither knowledge nor skill and did not understand the major principles". That is to say, Huo Guang did not understand the truths concerning the overall situation because he did not study and had no knowledge. The set phrase" having neither knowledge nor skill" is later used to refer to being ignorant and incompetent10.









During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), a very noble official caled Qi Huangyang lived in the State of Jin. One day, the king summoned him to court and asked, "Now that the magistrate3 position of Nanyang county is vacant, who do you think is suitable for the post?"

"Xie Hu is the right man for the job," Qi replied without hesitation4.

Surprised, the king asked, "Did you say Xie Hu? I thought he's your enemy. Why did you recommend him to take such an important position?"

Smiling, Qi Huangyang said, "Your Majesty5 didn't ask me my personal opinions o Xie Hu. You simply asked me who I thought would be competent for the position. Therefore I recommended Xie Hu.

the king followed Qi's advice and made Xie Hu magistrate of Nanyang county. And sure enough, Xie Hu administered the county very well and won respect from local people and his colleagues.

Some days later, the king again asked Qi Huangyang for his opinions. This time, the king was trying to find a suitable candidate for a court judge position. Qi Huangyiang recommended Qi Wu for the job. Once again, the king was surprised again by the recommendation because Qi Wu was the son of Qi Huangyang. The king asked: "Who do you recommend your son? Aren't you afraid people will gossip?"

Qi Huangyang replied, "Your Majesty, you asked me who was the most capable person for the position of a judge, and I think Qi Wu is."

Although the king was a bit hesitant about making Qi Wu the judge, he nevertheless gave him the position. As it turned out, Qi Wu was an upright and talented judge, who people GREatly respected.

Qi Huangyang's actions were praised by Confucius who said, "Qi Huangyang was right. He recommended people according to their abilities and talents, not because of personal sentiments, not because of fearing others' gossip. Therefore, people like Qi Huangyang are referred to as people "without selfish motives6".

From Confucious' comment came the idiom "Unselfish". Anyone who handles affairs fairly and impartially7 can be described as "Unselfish; Perfectly impartial".


春秋时,晋国有位品格非常高尚的大臣祁黄羊。有一次,晋王召祁黄羊入宫问他:"南阳县缺个县令,你看,应该派谁去当比较合适呢?祁黄羊毫不迟疑地回答说:"解狐去,最合适了。"平公惊奇的问他:"你是说解狐? 他不是你的仇人吗?你为什么还要推荐他担任这么重要的职位?"




【关键词】电磁环境复杂程度 无线电监测 信道占用度 频段占用度














