






然而,阿姆斯特丹的这段经历让布莱恩・海米尔感到,他很喜欢在科文特花园演出埃涅阿斯这一角色。追溯这段伦敦“救火”演出的源头,“当时我正好在是意大利萨勒诺,与指挥丹尼尔・奥伦(Daniel Oren)一起参加《恶魔罗伯特》的音乐会版演出。这个音乐会对奥伦和我而言无疑是一块很好的试金石,让我与乐队有更好的磨合,之后我俩又来到科文特花园演出歌剧《恶魔罗伯特》。科文特花园的导演就打电话给我,问我是否能演出《特洛伊人》。当时我就感觉这是一个难得的机会。那时是5月,他们已经排练了十多天,乔纳斯生病了,他也不确定两周后的演出自己能否上。因此,我便回答:‘是的,我会来排练。’然后我就动身去了伦敦,便有了与托尼・帕帕诺(TonyPappano)一起演出该剧的机会。是的,我抓住了。




海米尔进入《特洛伊人》剧组时,当时已是该剧大都会歌剧第一轮演出的中间几场:一切都已进入正规,埃涅阿斯又是这么难的角色,而且又是海米尔的大都会歌剧院首演。就这样,很多的不利因素和不可思议,但海米尔认为这是一个大好的成功机会,应当牢牢把握。“幸运的是,从《恶魔罗伯特》剧组里出来的我,保持了最好的嗓音状态。而且我知道,只要我可以稍微休息,如果我没有神经衰弱睡不着,我的身体也能行。而且,苏珊・格雷厄姆(Susan Graham),早前与我在圣达菲歌剧院一起演唱过音乐会版的《特洛伊人》,我知道她在大都会歌剧院的演出中将饰演狄多。她就像是我的拉拉队,我的好帮手。当我不知道去哪里时,只要我看着她深邃的眼睛,她就会告诉我‘让我们去那边’或‘我们要在这里’。但我真的没时间多思考,我的肩膀是否确实扛起这部演出,我便奔去排练。我不知道该怎么做,但我知道我必须这样做。”


然而,压力并不会消失殆尽。台上有格雷厄姆的帮衬,海米尔的第二场和第三场演出都得心应手。但第四场演出要通过高保真剧院传输技术,对全球即时直播。“导演弗朗西斯卡・赞贝罗(Francesca Zambello)告诉我,在5个半小时的演出中,会有若干台摄像机等从各个角度对准舞台,进行直播。这真的是非常巨大的工程,而且这也要求我们有时不得不在台上看着对方或视线投向某个方位,这都是为了配合摄像机去捕捉那些瞬间。如果我们不这么做,拍摄效果就大打折扣。”





Key Words: L1,L2 similarity difference

1 Introduction

In response to the globalization, there is now a greater need than ever to learn a second or foreign language to communicate with people from all over the world. We have no doubt about why and when to learn it, but may feel frustrated by such questions as: What are the first language (L1) and the second language (L2) or a foreign language? How can they be acquired or learned? Do they have any similarity and difference? Different answers to these questions may lead to varied teaching and learning outcomes of L2 or foreign language.

2 L1 and L2

L1 is the language which a person acquire first, which, in a monolingual setting, is often used synonymously with other terms such as “native language”,“mother tongue” or “national/vernacular”, though in multilingual context they just suggests the source from which the person acquire first. Another term L2 is in a broad sense any language subsequent to one’s first language, learned from his or her bilingual parents, formal school instruction, or a speech community of the target language.

3 How do L1 and L2 acquisition take place

Three dominant theories explain how L1 can be acquired. Behaviorists try to explain the routine aspect, while innatists are concerned about the acquisition of complex grammar. Interactionist explanations, on the other hand, deal with how children relate form and meaning in language, how they interact in conversations, and how they use language appropriately.

Among many theories on second language acquisition or learning, Krashen (1987) puts forth five hypotheses: acquisition-learning, natural order, monitor, input, and affective filter. The hypotheses can be summarized as follows: 1. Acquisition is more important than learning. 2. In order to acquire, two conditions are necessary-comprehensive input containing i+1, structures a bit beyond the acquirer’s current level, and second, a low or weak affective filter to allow the input.

4 Distinction between language acquisition and language learning

According to Krashen, language acquisition, similar to the way children acquire their L1, refers to a subconscious process in which the acquirers are not aware of the fact that they are acquiring the language, but are only aware that they are using the language for communication, and they are generally not consciously aware of rules of the language though able to notice the sound-correct expression or errors. It also means to “pick up a language”, featuring implicit, informal, and natural learning. Learning in contrast, refers to conscious knowledge of a second language, learning the rules, being aware of them, and being able to talk about them. Also known as formal knowledge of a language, or explicit learning, learning means to “know about” a language such as grammar and other rules of the target language.

5 What is meant by “native speaker” and “nativelike fluent speaker of L2” and what are the similarities and differences between them

A native speaker refers to a person who acquires a language (usually L1 or mother tongue) as a child and continues to use it fluently and appropriately as a dominant language. In some contexts, one of the goals to learn a L2 or foreign language is to approximate as closely as possible to native speakers, to have a native-like competence, though by definition the L2 learner can never become a native speaker of anything other than L1 (Vivian Cook 2002). Unlike a native speaker, a nativelike, fluent speaker of L2 is a learner or user with a high proficiency level of L2 skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). Proficiency of the four skills may be measured through the use of a proficiency test which measures the learner’s general level of language mastery.

There coexist similarities and differences in developing proficiency level of L2 and becoming the speaker of L1.


1.Proficiency of both L1 and L2 involve mental processes of the same language areas in the brain of the acquirer or the learner, such as inferring, generalizing, deductive learning, monitoring and memorizing.

2.The sequence of grammatical acquisition is generally similar, from the simple to the complex. So proficiency is attained gradually and accumulatively, taking years instead of couple of months.

3.To develop listening and speaking, both need a considerable amount of inputof the language as well as exposure to the environment in which the language is spoken, without which the outcome of L1 or L2 proficiency will be limited.

4.With grammatical proficiency, transfer of reading and writing skills from L1 to L2 is possible.

5.L1 and L2 are both socially and culturally rooted, for which the L1 acquirers and the L2 learners are expected to relate to certain socio-cultural contexts for understanding discourses instead of just relying on their grammatical proficiency.


L1 acquisition and L2 learning are fundamentally different (Bley-Vroman 1989).

1.L1 acquirers achievement of total, complete success (also known as ultimateattainment in some other literature) in acquiring the native language is the norm, while only a few L2 learners can achieve such an outcome as native-likeness proficiency.

2.The results of L2 learning vary due to different factors including learning strategies, whereas for L1 acquirers, success (proficiency) is not a problem.

3.L2 learners set goals but L1 acquirers do not have to.

4.L2 learners have a critical period of mental retardation (cut-off developmental point or plateau), when their L2 language learning make no further progress. With L1 acquirers, they can still add new vocabulary to their memory in their fifties.

5.L2 users have uncertainties in their judgments of grammatical correctness in that language, whereas L1 acquirers develop clear intuitions about correctness.

6.L1 acquirers mainly acquire the language at home, whereas the L2 learners learn from organized formal instruction.

7.For L2 learners the teacher’s correction of their errors is helpful and necessary, whereas L1 acquirers seem not to require or to use the “negative evidence”.

8.For L2 acquirers, personality, socialization, motivation, attitude and other affective factors play a key role, whereas L1 learners are not involved.

These similarities and differences are helpful for teachers and learners to develop comparative teaching and learning approaches, making use of the similarities while paying close attention to the differences to improve their teaching and learning quality.

6 Conclusion

This essay intends to explain some commonly used concepts such as L1, L2, native speaker, and language proficiency. It also focuses on distinction between language acquisition and learning, and similarities and differences between proficiency of L1 and L2. To conclude, L2 teachers and learners awareness of the distinction and the similarity will help adjust their teaching and learning strategies and processes on the basis of the nature of the two languages, for better outcomes.


[1]Cook, Vivian. 2000. “Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition: One Person with Two Languages” in Aronoff & Rees-Miller Blackwell Handbook of Linguistics.

[2]Cook, Vivian. 2002. The Goals of ELT: Reproducing native speakers or promoting multi-competence among second language users. homepage.省略/vivian.c/Writings/Papers/EFLGoals.htm


top officials from the central bank, finance ministry and economic planning agency as well as provincial officials attended the Central Economic Work Conference, held in Beijing from 12 to 14 December 2011. Their conclusions serve as a work plan for various government agencies and are announced through short statements.

The following is a translation of the report on the meeting by official Chinese news agency Xinhua.

In his important speech delivered at the conference, Hu Jintao analyzed the current international and domestic situation in an all-round way, profoundly expounded on the major economic issues that must be successfully tackled in 2012 and for some time to come, and put forward in clear-cut terms the overall requirements, policy guidelines, and main tasks of the economic work in 2012. In his speech, Wen Jiabao made a comprehensive review of the economic work 2011 and spelled out the main objectives, tasks, and major issues concerning the economic work in 2012.

Achievements made in 2011

The conference pointed out: In 2011, the starting year of the 12th Five-Year Program, the party Central Committee and the State Council united and led the people of all ethnic groups in China to firmly grasp the theme of scientific development concept and to seize the thrust of accelerating the transformation of the mode of economic development; strengthen and improve macro-management; correctly handle the relationship between maintaining steady and relatively fast economic development, readjusting the economic structure, and managing the anticipated inflation; and promote the orderly shift of the economy from one that relies on policy stimulus for growth to one that grows naturally without external stimulus. As a result of all this, the national economy has been developing in the anticipated direction of macro-management with a strong momentum toward faster growth, price stability, better economic returns, and improved livelihood for the people.

From a general perspective, in 2011 China scored new achievement in socialist economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, and social construction as well as in building ecological civilization and in party building and realized a good beginning for the 12th Five-Year Program.

Challenges facing the Chinese economy

The conference stressed: While fully affirming achievement, we must also soberly realize that the contradictions and problems of imbalance, incoordination, and unsustainability in China’s economic development are still quite prominent, there is downward pressure on economic growth and there is pressure of rising commodity prices; some enterprises are experiencing difficulties in production and operation; the situation in energy saving and carbon emission reduction is grim; and there are hidden risks in the economic and financial spheres that cannot be ignored. We must remain sober-minded, and we must step up risk assessment, prepare contingence plans as early as possible, and adopt prompt measures to effectively defuse the risks.

Analysis of the global economic situation

The conference held: Since the beginning of 2011, worldwide economic growth has slowed down, the rise of the international trade has dropped, the international financial market has been experiencing violent turbulences, and risks of all kinds have clearly multiplied. In 2012, as we look at it, the overall global economic situation will remain extremely grim and complicated, with rising instability and uncertainty in worldwide economic recovery.

Countermeasures against the current economic environment

The conference pointed out: In the face of the complicated, volatile international political and economic environment and the new developments and new changes in the operation of the domestic economy, we must continue grasping the theme of the scientific development concept and the thrust of the accelerated transformation of economic development mode, firmly focus on expanding the strategic base of domestic demands, put the emphasis of the expansion of domestic demands more on safeguarding and improving the people’s livelihood, accelerating the development of service industries, and increasing the living standards of the middle- income group. We must firmly grasp the development of real economy, which constitutes the strong foundation of the economy, and strive to create a social climate characterized by working in a down-to-earth manner, starting an undertaking through diligent work, and getting rich by running real businesses. We must firmly grasp the powerful motive force of accelerating reform and innovation, seize the opportunities to achieve breakthroughs in some key areas and links as soon as possible, strive to increase the ability to make original innovation, make constant efforts to enhance integrated innovation, and absorb and re-innovate imported technologies; firmly grasp the fundamental purpose of safeguarding and improving the people’s livelihood; increase financial input; earnestly carry out important and major tasks related to the people’s livelihood; and pay attention to raising the level of tolerance in the process of development.

Requirement for economic work in 2012

The conference stressed: 2012 is an important year for implementing the 12th Five-Year Program as it connects what has been done in the preceding period with what needs to be done in subsequent years, and our party will hold its 87th national party congress.

The conference proposed that the general requirement for the economic work in 2012 is as follows: continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy; maintain continuity and stability of the macroeco-

nomic policy; make macro-management more target-specific, flexible, and forward-looking; continue to handle well the relationship between maintaining stable and faster economic development, readjusting economic structure, and managing anticipation of inflation; push forward the transformation of economic development mode and economic structural adjustment at an accelerated pace; strive to expand domestic demands; strive to enhance independent innovation and energy saving and carbon emission reduction; strive to deepen reform and opening up; and strive to safeguard and improve the people’s livelihood; maintain economic stability and faster development as well as the basic stability of the general price level; maintain social harmony and stability.

The conference held: To push forward the economic and social development in 2012, we must lay stress on grasping the general work guideline of seeking progress amid stability. “Stability” refers to maintaining the basic stability of macroeconomic policies, maintaining steady and fairly rapid economic development, maintaining the basic stability of the general price level, and maintaining overall social stability. “Progress” refers to continuing to seize and make good use of the period of strategic opportunities, making new progress in changing the development mode, scoring new breakthroughs in deepening reform and opening up, and achieving new results in improving people’s livelihoods.

Major tasks for economic work in 2012

1. Strengthen and improve mac- roeconomic regulations and maintain stable and healthy economic development

- Adopt proactive fiscal policies and prudent monetary policies to prevent economic risks;

- Continue with structural tax reduction, step up investments to improve people’s livelihood and tighten management of local government debts;

- Fine-tune monetary polices according to economic situations, optimize the credit structure and fend off financial risks;

- Increase investment in agriculture, farmers, rural areas and affordable housing construction, and continue supporting technology innovation, environment protection, strategic emerging industries and key infrastructure projects.

2. Reinforce supplies of agricultural products

- Increase subsidies to agricultural productions and bump up the minimum purchase prices of grain;

- Tighten rural infrastructure construction, including irrigation projects, roads and grids;

- Strengthen efforts to promote rural compulsory education and secondary vocational education, and expand coverage of the new rural social pension system.

3. Speed up economic structural adjustments

- Encourage consumption and increase income of residents, especially poorer population;

- Propel innovation, protect intellectual property rights and sharpen industrial competitiveness;

- Cut back on outdated indus- trial capacities, promote mergers and acquisitions, develop new energies, stimulate the modern service sector, invigorate the cultural industry and enhance energy conservation and emission reductions.

4. Deepen reforms and further open up to the outside world

- Push forward the value-added tax reform and the pilot program of property tax, reform the resource tax system and research on the environment protection tax reform;

- Deepen market reforms of interest rates, further reform the yuan exchange rate regime and ensure basic stability of the yuan;

- Maintain steady growth of exports, upgrade export structure, expand imports and seek trade balance;

- Attract foreign investments to the central and western regions, widen outbound investments and fight against protectionism in any form.

5. Improve people’s livelihood

- Increase the quality of education, promote employment and support labor-intensive industries and small and micro-sized enterprises;




本书作者是米尔恩的女儿,她出于好奇,立志要展示人类如何面对科学、她父亲从事科学的一生以及与世界上一些声明显赫的科学家共事的过程,如爱因斯坦,爱丁顿, GH哈代,J B S霍尔丹,哈勃,FA林德曼和卢瑟福。














——————————-男——子——网——球——部 ————————————










【关键词】杰罗姆 贺拉斯和施莱尔马赫模型 等价 忠实 异化翻译

【Abstract】This paper aims at pointing out the main differences and similarities between the three translation models: the Jerome, Horace and Schleiermacher models,from which the author tries to learn more and assist effective translation.

【Key words】the Jerome Horace and Schleiermacher models equivalence faithfulness foreignzing translation.

Translation is the important bridge of conveying information between different nations. In the long history of human translation, there are three types of conventional translation practices: the Jerome Model, the Horace Model and the Schleiermacher Model . These three models, in its different eras, have played different roles and own places in facilitating the transfer of different cultures, importations, and knowledge. We can not simply determine which type is the best. Researches and translators consider these three types of translations to be the conventional translation practices in human translation, they undoubtedly share something in common and distinguish in something different.

Ⅰ The Differences between These Three Models

1.The Jerome Model

The concept of equivalence is the core of the Jerome’s translation model, which had an immense influence on the translation process in the western hemisphere. Jerome's method advocates the literal translation from one language to another which asks the translators to translate the source text in the way of word-to-word. The ideal Jerome translation work must be translated with the utmost fidelity, and the early ideal of the that fidelity is the interlinear translation, in which one word would match another, indeed, in which the translated word would be written under the word it is supposed to translate. Faithfulness to the source text is the most important require in the Jerome Model. Any extra words are forbidden. All this method requires is a good dictionary and the loyal translation of the original text, which does not call for any training of the translator.

2.The Horace Model

The model proposes that the faithful interpretation (fidus interpres) is not which is faithful to the original text but which is faithful to the readers. A ‘fidus ’translator is one who can be trusted, who gets the job done on time and to the satisfaction of both parties. Horace stats the faithful translator is a trusted entity, undertaking the role of the mediator to facilitate the communication between two languages and the readers of these languages. Horace argues the different texts must be translated in different ways with different translation strategies to suit its purposes, facing with a variety of texts. The more important idea in Horace’s model is frame of the text, namely a grid of text. This frame refers to the collection of methods employed by each culture. The method is the way to which objects are referred. Cultures basically adopt identical frames. The German, French and the English culture use the same frame of texts--- the ancient Greco-Roman culture, albeit slightly different in their style of emphasis. Cultures of China or Japan are different from others and therefore do not share any common grounds with others. Translations in different eras reflect the main culture of that history. It can be the cultural innovation and the strength of creating a different form of culture based on the existing culture or may be suppresses innovation, distortion, and accommodation. Translation heightens the level of our perspective on the world we live in by shedding light on the process of the formation of literature in an era where various sorts of manipulation is on the rise.

3.The Schleiermacher Model

It emphasizes the importance of ‘foreignzing translation’. The translator should in Schleiermacher’s opinion leave “the author in peace, as much as possible,” and “move the reader towards him.” A translation should therefore sound “foreign” enough to its reader for that reader to discern the workings of the original language that expresses the language game, the culture of which the original is a part, shining through the words of the translated page .Schleiermacher was the first person who divided translation into written and oral interpretations, in other word, true and mechanical interpretations, and then elaborated them in details. He presents business translation is practical and mechanical, which deals with match, geometry and must be translated in accuracy. So, business translation absolutely is a mechanical activity, which is hard to be considered to be good or bad if there are not obvious mistakes. In this extent, business translation is simpler than literary and science translations, which are a creative activity, requiring the translators have a good ability in uniting his own language with the translated language and re-appearing the style of the source text in his translation based on his good understanding and interpretation to things.

Ⅱ The Similarities between These Three Models

The basic purpose of all the translation goes to the transfer of different information and cultures in the way of translating one language to another to make readers to learn not only the content of the source text, but also the another culture or knowledge which are from other nations and included in it. Obviously, all these three models achieve this basic purpose of translation: conveying the meaning of the source text as faithfully as possible they can.

The heart concept of these three models is different. The Jerome Model lies at equivalence, the Horace model, faithfulness to readers, while the Schleiermacher Model, foreignzing translation. However, they share the main translation functions only with difference focus. Certainly, the Jerome Model is the best choice to translate the sacred text---Bible and lots of expositions like: computer manuals, car manuals, medical, legal, and pharmaceutical texts, for its translation needs utmost faithful to the source text and faithfully transfer information, using the simplest, clearest words. It is because this extreme strict rule, which brings a lot of limits to its development in the types of translations, such as: literary works, poems, prose and novels. However, in some extent, the Horace model meets the needs of literary translations. The advantage of the Schleiermacher model lies at that it helps us to ask the fundamental questions in the analysis of translation, questions that deal with the relative power and prestige of cultures, with matters of dominance, submission, and resistance. The issue of dominance is well reflected on the general use practices dealing with texts of the target language. So, if the businessman wants to boast his new goods in a better way among the foreigners. A good translation of the advertisements must remain the prestige or the power of the source language, in which the consumers can flatter themselves and put themselves into the up-class which the foreign culture brings to, by owning the goods. The Schleiermacher model aims at the automatic standardization analogy produces. The trend of language use of the target languages makes this point clear. Yuppies, for example, might feel a sense of pride when the text contain words such as “cool” or words with suffixes “-isation”, thinking that such words give a high-quality look to their language. Or, they might refuse to accept elements of the original text that can create negative reaction within the culture of the target language. Such reaction to new culture can be overcome with quality translation. For example, advertisement for jeans in Islamic nations can greatly benefit from translation methods adapting the Horace Model.

These three translation models, like relay batons, play necessary roles in translation filed, promoting the translation development. However, even today, we have to acknowledge there is still a long and hard journey to go in studying and researching in translation filed. Yet, they carry their contributions in developing study and research of translation without being mutually exclusive.

The Jerome model needs to translate the source text in an utmost faithful and word-to-word way, indeed, is the interlinear translation. So, there is really no need to train translators well, and only a dictionary is needed. Hence, in the Jerome Mode’s age, the problems of the translation training include these questions: ‘What is the function of the translation likely to be?’ ‘What type of text needs to be translated?’ The education of training translators needs to find a new way: only to train the translators to how to use a dictionary to do interlinear translation. The Horace Model complements the Jerome Model in the teaching of translation by raising the awareness on textual and conceptual frame that pre-exist the text to be translated. It also asks the translators not only concern the fidelity, but also pay more attention to the elements of the different cultures, histories. The Horace Model, put side by side with the Schleiermacher Model, allows us to present issues related to the translation analysis such as the relative power, prestige, worship, resistance possessed by culture. F. Schleiermacher, however, asks translators to put cultural capital, acculturation into question when doing translation, having a good ability in uniting the two languages and interpretation the source text with a good preservation of the style of the source text based on good understanding.

Ⅲ Conclusion

The Jerome, Horace and Schleiermacher model, in the development of translation process, play their own necessary and crucial roles. Each has its own special features, functions, advantages and disadvantages, promoting the history of translation. They have interacted and supplementary, and served as the power of translation field for more or less years in their eras. They share lot of features in common, also distinguish some features in difference. Even so, they become three milestones in the history of translation, which can not be ignored. Of course, with the development of the society, history, culture, socialization and globalization, the research of translation has a harder and further journey to go. There are still problems left in translation field, under such circumstances, the role of translators is important and the road of translation needs more exploration.


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[4]Bernofsky, S. Schleiermacher’s Translation Theory and Varieties of Foreigninzation[C].USA: Princeton University