




Reading for different people have different fun. For people engaged in manual Labour, reading is a kind of leisure; For people engaged in mental Labour, the book can be a panacea; Vexed when idle, can read, and sorrow, reading can lotus; When excited, books can share it with you...

If you asked our pupil: in Chinese learning, what do you find most difficult? Ten to one answer is to write a composition. We students regard writing as a Chinese's burden. Read more books, and is especially useful for writing. I read it is best to take notes, put some beautiful words and sentences as well as some well-written paragraphs are down, and after a long time, the accumulation of famous sayings much more naturally. You don't have to worry about when to write a composition.

You see, every time to write a composition, there is always a part of the students in the face of the text, racking my brains to think, can only be pieced together from writing the rows. And those students is reading reading at ordinary times, just to play with classmates. You look at those ordinary love reading, students enjoy reading, is like a flowing, gushing.

Remember once write a composition, is to write dragon of west lake water. I think I got a good chance for: normal accumulation of those words describing scenery, like yeast play a role. I use a placid lake are connected by the green island and reflection, appear very harmonious. I use the spring, summer, autumn and winter to reflect different seasons have different images of dragon of west lake water. My composition to get good grades.

Books, take us into the sea of knowledge; Book, with our swim mysterious history; Books bring us into the paradise of the dream; The book is a kind of beneficial to human nutrition; Books are the ladder of human progress.

The benefits of reading can be far more than these, there are many, many, many. I suggested that schoolmates see more useful books, because reading can not only increase our knowledge and insights, but also can improve the level of our composition, strengthen our language ability... Come on, do more good books, will be a lot of harvest.








Mr Gorky said: "books are the ladder of human progress." With a lot of knowledge in the book, when in trouble, he will be in your hand and help you unconditionally.

Reading, can let you increase knowledge, let you become more talented, can people have inspired you in writing, not in the way the brain -- don't know what to write something good; Can also understand a lot of life philosophy, to help straighten your life path of the steering wheel, make your life more colorful!

In life we often encounter many difficulties, you can learn in books many tips, which may help us to solve these difficulties. Through reading, we can not only make life rich and colorful, more fulfilling, but also can learn a lot of tips, it is kill two birds with one stone!

Reading is a form of entertainment, he can make your heart things more happy. Roam in the ocean of the book is also a happy thing. Book is like a tree, the tree there was a tree in the hole, when I am sad, as long as the tree hole sit, I will feel happy and happy, sad and sad suddenly disappeared.

I read, I am happy, the other words is true. Reading makes me to experience many unknown world, through reading, we have become a chivalrous sentiment happiness reader.

Good reading! I love reading!






The benefits of reading has a lot of, I introduce you to the following:

1. Can make us see the world, don't go out, that is what's going on in the world.

2. Can improve our ability of reading and writing level.

3. We can make the change has the tutelage.

4. Can let us find a good job.

5. Can make us in an impregnable position in the fierce competition in the society.


Actually there are many benefits of reading, is up to you to find slowly.









Reading, can let you increase knowledge, let you become more talented, can people have inspired you in writing, not in the way the brain -- don't know what to write something good; Can also understand a lot of life philosophy, to help straighten your life path of the steering wheel, make your life more colorful!

In life we often encounter many difficulties, you can learn in books many tips, which may help us to solve these difficulties. Through reading, we can not only make life rich and colorful, more fulfilling, but also can learn a lot of tips, it is kill two birds with one stone!

Reading is a form of entertainment, he can make your heart things more happy. Roam in the ocean of the book is also a happy thing. Book is like a tree, the tree there was a tree in the hole, when I am sad, as long as the tree hole sit, I will feel happy and happy, sad and sad suddenly disappeared. The composition

I read, I am happy, the other words is true. Reading makes me to experience many unknown world, through reading, we have become a chivalrous sentiment happiness reader.

Good reading! I love reading!







I like drawing. It does bring me happiness. As a kid, I was keen on those lines and curves drawn on paper made into animals and scenes. It really could show beauty to people and express my feelings. And then I took a course so that I could get close to it and see it well. But at that time, I just did it for fun. Years went by, I got into a long period of time filled with pressure in study. And I found it so good a way to relax. It did not any longer play an unimportant role in my living, but bacame my friend. Since that time, I have felt it like a nice person deep in my heart who can talk with me with true words and make me happy with life. This is my hobby, not just a hobby, but also a true friend.


I am Bob. I am 11 years old. I live in a tall building. It has twenty-nine floors. I live on the twenty-first floor. I am from China. I have small eyes. My favourite food is chicken. My favourite animal is dog,because it is lovely.

My best friend is Ted. We often play together. But his house is very far from my house. He likes playing computer games. My hobby is playing football. I often play football with my classmates, because they like playing football, too. We often win. Why do I like football? Because it does a lot of good for my body. Do you like football?


I am Cendy. I am in Nanhai Experimental Primary School. I am in Class 9, Grade 6. I am tall and thin. I live in Dali. I have many good friends. I often play with them. I have many hobbies, riding a bike, drawing pictures and reading books. But I like to read books the best. Because of reading books is good for my study. I also like riding bikes. Because it does a lot of good to my body.

What‟s your hobby? Can you tell me?











中图分类号:G632 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1002-7661(2015)12-340-01




在日常的阅读教学中,教师也要把握好“写”的环节,尤其是范文,在学生阅读理解的基础上,教师可利用多媒体教学手段来系统分析文章的内容、意义、篇章结构和写作技巧等,帮助学生归纳整理好的表达方式和句子结构等。然后引导学生运用课文中所学到的短语、句型等零散的语言知识,来进行仿写、缩写、扩写或改写等,这既训练了学生的英汉语言转换能力,也可提高学生谋 篇布局和衔接上下文的能力,又训练了学生的思维能力和创造能力。除了课堂上的阅读外,课外也要给学生布置各种文体和各种风格的阅读材料,来扩大学生的知识面,了解英语国家的文化知识和风俗习惯,了解中英文两种语言的共同性和差异性,以增强学生中英文思维能力的转换。



1、课内练习。以往,由于受各种条件的制约,作文训练的方式是把作文材料发给学生,然后由学生在课外完成,其缺点是学生作文不能当堂布置、点评、指导、讲解,而且这种写、批、评的写作训练起到深化主题和强化写作的作用,往往造成学生“作文写了很多篇,范文抄了不少,但留下的印 象都不深,写作水平还是提高不大”的结果。在 局域网络环境下进行作文教学就能克服这些弊端,教师所需的各种作文素材在网络环境下的多媒体电脑上能轻松获得并能长期保存。这些素材可直接从网上下载,也可用powerpoint, flash, authorware等工具处理后提供给学生,文字信息的提供更方便更简单,而且,多媒体技术以其大容量、全兼容和交互性强等特点,将各种信息以文字、图片、声音、视频的形式展示给学生,给学生提供了一个全方位英语学习的交互环境,能有效地吸引学生的有意注意,这对于学生内化所呈现的知识内容以及调动他们的学习积极性大有好处。学生在网上写作文,即方便修改,又可留做资料,还能相互欣赏点评,有助于学生养成良好的学习习惯,从而增强课堂教学的密度,优化教学效果。

2、课外练习。课外练笔是课堂写作训练最有益的补充,因为课堂写作时间有限,仅靠课堂写作训练培养学生的写作能力是远远不够的,所以,课外练笔非常重要。课外练笔 可采用写日记、周记、随笔、信件等多种形式,写作的内容要尽量贴近生活,尽量做到既给学生提供思考的空间,也使他们有发挥的余地,并且一定要有计划、有步骤系统地进行,使学生养成用英语写作的习惯。对有条件的学生,在课外仍可要求他们在网上练习。通过不断练笔,学生可以学习和获取选词、造句、组段、谋篇的知识和能力,不断修正自己的语言错误,自然地排除汉语思维的干扰,逐渐用英语思维,学生的英语知识也能不断得到巩固和内化,为英语技能的全面发展铺平道路。
