



1、 On the contrary , the courses are exquisitely prepared. so chinese enjoy the dining atomsphere most.


2、 when he went back to itali, he tried to make dumplings by himself , but unfortunatly, he forgot how to put the piling in to the dough, thus , he just sprayed them on the surface of the pizza and baked it.

3、There are countless reasons to prove the strengh of chinese cusine, here i just pick three of them to show the advantage of the chinese cusine.

chinese take pride in their food culture just as french do. to taste a dish , what would you care most, the nutrition of the ingredients , the taste of the dish , the atomsphere you enjoy or the fun you may have when you are eating. The way i see it, chiese pay more attention to the atomsphere. it is easy to prove . Just think of how many things do you take during the spring festival dinner. people talk ,laugh ,but seldom eat. They spend most of the time on drinking and toasting. My father say that he cannot eat anthing after several bouts of wine. Can we say dishes made during the Spring Festival not dilicious ? On the contrary , the courses are exquisitely prepared. so chinese enjoy the dining atomsphere most.

there has been a heat debate about what kind of cuisine is the best in the world. some say french cuisine, others say italian cuisine, still some say Thai cuisine. As for me, chinese cuisine is the best. i have three points to support my view.

Firstly, chinese cuisine can be categorize into eight items, namely, Lu Yue , Chuan ,Xiang, Ming , Zhe, Su, Hui. moreover, there are various subtypes under the eight items. Secondly, chinese cuisine is a important communication tool. a good numer of business or deal get done and gratidudes or apology are readily accepted during the dinning . last but not the least , chinese cuisine has a long history which seldom countries have had. There is a popular joke enjoyed by both people from home and abroad. We are know pizza, but where does it come from. You may quickly respose that it originate from Itali. While some say it derives from china. back to Tang dynasty(618-907AD), a italian saw chinese people put the filling into the thin flat dough to make dumplings. when he went back to itali, he tried to make dumplings by himself , but unfortunatly, he forgot how to put the piling in to the dough, thus , he just sprayed them on the surface of the pizza and baked it. Naturally the first pizza came into being.


talk about the friendship

I still remember the Titanic, though it's a big ship but it still sunk, so, in my opinion, the best ship is the friendship. Friendship is one of the most important things in everyone's life.

When you’re down, friends lift you up. When you lose your way, friends guide you and cheer you on

everyone need friends because there are a lot of things that you can't deal with yourself, and the friend’s just make up for it.

When you’re down, friends lift you up. When you lose your way, friends guide you and cheer you on


1、Because almost all successful people have good luck and have caught their valuable opportunities, they believe that opportunity is a leading condition of the success.

2、Those who are lazy, sloppy and indifferent to their work, those who never concentrate on work will definitely end in failure. On the whole, as far as they are concerned, hard-working is the decisive factor to success.

3、It lays the corner-stone for building a house while luck serves to cement it, to make the building bricks adherent to one another.

TO Success: Opportunity or hard-working?

Every body wants to succeed. But when it comes to the question that which factor leads to success, opportunity or hard-work, different people will offer different answers.

Some people think that opportunity is the first factor leading to success. They hold the idea, as a proverb saying, “Man proposes, god disposes”. Because almost all successful people have good luck and have caught their valuable opportunities, they believe that opportunity is a leading condition of the success. If seizes and makes the best use of opportunity available, one can succeed surely. In summary, to them, chances and lucks play the most important role on the road to success.





(来源:文章屋网 )



Abstract: In view of the disequilibrium in translation between Chinese and Foreign languages, the paper analyses the mistake, disappearance, invisibility, obviosity and coinage in Chinese culture translating, explores the main reason of causing Chinese culture invisibility as well as disappearance and wants to find the best way of obviosity of Chinese culture in translation by study of translations like Hao Qiu Zhuan etc..

Key Words: translation strategy; culture spread; foreignization


1.现实翻译中涉及中华文化的翻译有不少低级错误,比如形式错误、文法不通,弄出笑话的也不占少数,比如在餐饮业中,有的饭店把四喜丸子翻译成“Four glad meatballs”即“四个高兴的肉团”,“猴魁茶”翻译出来是“Number one monkey-tea”即“第一只猴子茶”,麻婆豆腐翻译成“满脸雀斑的女人做的豆腐”,更有甚者,把童子鸡翻译成了“没有性生活的鸡”以及上海一家四星级酒店的“信报室”翻译成“Believe Room”,令人哑然。这种情况在未经过系统的英语专业学习就盲目接翻译活者尤为普遍;服务的客户大都认为“翻译即是两种语言的简单转换”,他们对于翻译一知半解或根本不知翻译是怎么回事,对于翻译质量没有要求也无法把关的经营者较多,不加赘述。

2.在源语与目的语文化类似的情况下,为了易于目的语读者的理解,将两种文化中具有不同文化意象的不同事物归化成为目的语文化。比如将 “胆小如鼠”翻译为“as timid as a rabbit”“挂羊头,卖狗肉” 翻译为 “cry up wine and sell vinegar”。又如把“负荆请罪”翻译成“Abject Apologies”。“负荆请罪”这个汉语典故语出《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》,这个故事也称之为“将相和”。原文表面的意义是“背着荆条请求治罪”,内涵为完全承认自己的错误,主动请求对方惩罚。译文Abject Apologies 意思为“可怜兮兮地向对方道歉”。这种翻译的优点是不受源语语言形式的束缚,读者可以瞬间理解;缺点是源语中精彩的异域文化特色没有了,语言特点也丧失殆尽。

3.在源语与目的语文化不同的情况下,对于源语殊的文化作了直接的翻译,目的语读者可以通过上下文,领略一种异国情调。例如林语堂翻译的《浮生六记》:其形削肩长颈,瘦不露骨,眉弯目秀,顾盼神飞,唯两齿微露,似非佳相。(p.7)翻译为:Of a slender figure, she had drooping shoulders and a rather long neck, slim but not to the point of being skinny. Her eyebrows were arched and in her eyes there was a look of quick intelligence and soft refinement. The only defect was that her two front teeth were slightly inclined forward, which was not a mark of good women. 通过林语堂的翻译,外国读者可以领略到中国对于美女形象的标准,中西方对于美女的概念明显不一,“两齿微露,似非佳相”可能很难为西方读者所理解。但这儿译者不作任何解释,也没有把原文中美女的形象用归化的方法予以改变,但是西方的读者可以通过上下文来推测文字中所蕴含的文化,感受到异域的特色。

4.在源语与目的语文化不同的情况下,对于源语殊的词和概念,进行了必要的注释,使译文更易读懂,同时也彰显了源语文化。我们可以看看英国汉学家David Pollard的译作The Chinese Essay (《古今散文英译集》)中是如何处理文化翻译这个问题的。在这本书中,常有一些含有英语文化中没有的词,译成英语时需要解释,但是在文章中又不便解释。这种情况,译者在“译者说明”里作了补充。例如在《方子山传》中的第一句:“方子山,光、黄间隐人也”,译文为 Master Table Mountain is a recluse who is to be found in the Guangzhou-Huangzhou area.汉语中隐人和英语中的recluse不完全一样。在英语中A recluse is someone in isolation who hides away from the attention of the public,a person who lives in solitude, i.e. seclusion from intercourse with the world. 但是陈慥做隐人并不仅仅是 lives in solitude 或者hides away from the attention of the public,所以译者在“译者说明”里增加了如下的解释:Su describes him as a ‘recluse’(yinren), but as we see that term does not signify extreme solitariness: it means only that he lives a simple life as a commoner. In the modern vernacular he might be said to have dropped out of the rat race. 通过阅读这样的注释,读者就把汉语中的隐人和英语中的recluse 之间的联系和不同弄清楚了。

5.在源语与目的语文化不同的情况下,目的语中缺乏相应的表达方式,对于源语殊的词和概念,进行了音译,创造出了目的语中的新词。比如我国的太极拳曾译为 shadow boxing 和 slow-motion Chinese boxing。但是对于大多数外国人来说,无论是shadow boxing 还是 slow-motion Chinese boxing,都让他们难以捉摸,反而受到目的语中 boxing 的影响,变得更加糊涂。反之,音译 Tai Ji, Wu Shu, Qing Gong 等却走出了国门,流行于英语世界,成为英语中新的单词,也成为目的语中具有独特内涵的异域文化词语。在神州六号载人航天飞船上天之后,具有中国特色的单词 taikonaut 就成为中外媒体广为使用的单词,在google上输入taikonaut一词,可以看到约有71,400项符合taikonaut的查询结果,可见异国文化在词语传播上的魅力。

当下中译英时,考虑到中西文化的不同以及中西方读者对于彼此文化的熟悉程度各异,大多数译者强调应设法化解汉英这两种语言在风格、逻辑、文化等方面的差异,以目的语为归宿,使译文读者在摄取信息的过程中不遇到障碍。例如国际译联副主席,中国翻译协会副会长黄友义在讲对外宣传时说,对外宣传要“贴近中国发展的实际,贴近国外受众对中国信息的需求,贴近国外受众的思维习惯”(黄友义,2004.6:27)。袁晓宁说:“汉、英民族有着不同的文化背景、价值观念及思维方式……应充分考虑到这种差异,做出相应的调整……否则就会给他们带来理解上的困难,甚至会引起误解,达不到对外宣传的效果”(袁晓宁, 2005.1:75)。比如他认为在对外翻译中,可以借用国外现成的典故、人物或地名等来比喻汉语中相应的部分,例如将中国古代的济公比作英国历史上的Robin Hood, 将梁山伯与祝英台比作莎士比亚笔下的Romeo 与 Juliet。这种译法为外国读者的阅读铺平了道路,读起来没有一点点障碍,可读性是很强了,但是如果我们斗胆来几个假设:(1)是不是所有的译文读者都读过或者了解Robin Hood,Romeo与Juliet,如果答案是否定的,是不是他们在读译文前,要补一下课,查阅一下相关的文章来了解一下,不然还是有障碍的。如果要查阅才能了解,是不是读者更麻烦了。(2)如果所有的译文读者都读过或者了解Robin Hood,Romeo 与 Juliet,这样的解释,会不会给他们一种思维定势,在异域文化中寻找自己文化的影子,以至于影响或削减了阅读的兴趣。(3)不管译文读者对于Robin Hood,Romeo与Juliet此类的背景知识了解不了解,有没有其他更好的译法呢?基于笔者也是在这儿闭门造车的臆想,建议不如针对外国读者的阅读文化取向来一次实践的调查和探索。


在中国浩如烟海的文学宝库中,诞生于明末清初的才子佳人小说《好逑传》只能算作是二流的小说。但是在汉籍外译史上,它所占有的地位却非常高:《好逑传》不仅是第一部译成西方文字并得以出版的中国长篇小说,而且被译成英语后又被译为德语、法语、俄语,并且一版再版。此书何以能在西方拥有如此经久不衰的魅力? 除作品内容方面的原因之外,别具一格的注释是《好逑传》早期译本最为独到的地方。译者帕西考虑到当时英国读者的知识水平,对小说中各种具有东方文化特色的名目进行了详尽注释。译本尚未出版,便有看过样书的友人对他写道:“你为这部中国小说收集注释,真是煞费苦心。这些注释把它大大地弄清楚了。而且我要坦率地对你说,这些注释是你这本书里最有价值的东西”(范存忠:1 5 3) 。 帕西所做的注解涉及了中国社会的方方面面,其中有关中国人日常生活的注解尤为多,如中国人的传宗接代观念,如何订婚、行聘,举行婚礼、收取贺礼,如何孝敬长辈,妇女为何裹小脚,为何重男轻女,中国的妻妾制度,女眷的生话,中国家庭的陈设,其中床是怎样,院落结构怎样,城市如何布局,中国人如何作画,用什么纸墨,中国人的服饰,如何相互拜访,如何坐轿,磕头如何受到重视;中国的医生、佃户、仆从等职业如何不同于欧洲,如此种种。更有趣的是,尽管帕西为《好逑传》所作的注解已经十分详细,但德法两国译者却似乎都觉得意犹未尽,于是又在英译本注解基础之上进行了进一步注释,探究词语的文化内涵以及译出了原文的社会背景(谭渊,2005,3)。这样,通过阅读一部小说,展现到外国读者面前的便是美丽的异国风情。鲁迅在谈翻译时特别强调要注意异国情调,即不要给“洋人”穿上“长袍马褂”;那么我们现在中译外时,是否非要给穿“长袍马褂”的人换成“西装革履”呢。在此,笔者想到了一位德国出版社的编辑说的话:通过你们的译文,我们看到的是说着德语,有着德国文化修养的老子、孔子和孟子,事实真是这样的吗?这种采用文化归化的翻译方式,只能使读者读起来没有障碍,朗朗上口,好像在读自己国家的作品似的,除此之外,还能读到什么呢?这不能不引起采取归化策略的翻译者深深地反思了。

结 语




[1]范存忠.中国文化在启泉时期的英国 [M] 上海外语教育出版社,1991.

[2]黄友义. 坚持‘外宣三贴近’原则,处理好外宣翻译中的难点问题[J].中国翻译, 2004(6)

[3]谭渊.《好逑传》早期西文译本初探 [J] 中国翻译,2005,3

[4]王岳川. 新世纪中国身份与文化输出 [J]. 广东社会科学,2004. (3)

[5]王宁. 翻译的文化构建和文化研究的翻译学转向 [J]. 中国翻译, 2005 (6)

[6]袁晓宁. 外宣英译的策略及其理据[J].中国翻译, 中国翻译,2005.1

[7]赵启正. 跨越文化障碍 更好地向世界说明中国2006 cccf.china.cn/

[8]中译外——中国走向世界之路”高层论坛 founder.china.cn/tac-online/index.htm

[9]David Pollard. The Chinese Essay [M] The Chinese University Press,1999

[10]Robinson, D. Translation and Empire: Postcolonial Theories Explained [M]. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997


1、However mean your life is,meet it and live it ;do not shun it and call it hard names.It is not so bad as you are.It looks poorest when you are richest.The fault-finder will find faults in paradise.Love your life,poor as it is.You may perhaps have some pleasant,thrilling,glorious hourss,even in a poor-house.The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man's abode;the snow melts before its door as early in the spring.I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there,and have as cheering thoughts,as in a palace.The town's poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any.May be they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving.


(来源:文章屋网 )