



一动不动 垂头丧气 又吵又闹 死气白赖 一钻一跳 机灵精明 急急忙忙 哈哈大笑 四面八方 仔仔细细 回心转意 干干净净 老老实实 闪闪发光 无影无踪 风采动人 闷闷不乐 心满意足 心肝欲裂 糊里糊涂 无精打采 红翅绿鸠 嘟嘟囔囔 勃然大怒 束手无策 爽爽快快 火冒三丈 各种各样 舒舒服服 稳稳当当 老老实实 美味佳肴 精神十足 七嘴八舌 火光熊熊 七零八落 普普通通高高兴兴 各式各样 谢天谢地 天塌地陷 暴风狂雨 暴跳如雷 不慌不忙 大吃一惊 争先恐后 糊里糊涂 齐心协力 一模一样 笨头笨脑 若有所思 白里透红 人见人爱 美丽动人 骄傲自负 自我欣赏 标致漂亮 艳丽夺目 楚楚动人 荒无人际 撕成碎片 井井有条 整洁干净 善良朴实 翻山越岭 诚实可爱 一动不动 迫不急待 血气翻涌 夜幕降临 悲痛欲绝 栩栩如生阴冷黑暗 黑又亮 真心诚意 富丽堂皇 富贵典雅 勃然大怒 无可奈何 自我煎熬
































阅读格林童话心得体会范文ƪ1 我利用周末时间又看了一遍《格林童话》,却得到了与以前不同的感受。也许,有些人会认为童话很幼稚,纯属虚构,但我却觉得童话里面也富有哲理。

以前我看这本书,只看故事情节,却忽略了它的寓意。而现在再次看这本书,我有了深刻的体会:做人要善良。 善,这个字眼对我们来说并不陌生。它是一种传统美德、是心灵美的体现、是来自灵魂深处的东西。生活中常常会看到这样的景象:在公交车上,有人毫不犹豫地让座;在商店里,有人把多找的零钱义无返顾地还给营业员;在街头,有人会伸出援手,把兜里的钱或多或少投进乞丐求讨施舍的碗里等等,其实,这些都是善的表现。

善良的人终究会有好的结果的,所谓善有善报就是这个道理。《格林童话》中《灰姑娘》这则故事中的主人公灰姑娘,尽管受尽了继母与姐姐们的欺负与侮辱,但心地依旧善良,最终获得了幸福。再比如说《小天使和鞋匠》中的鞋匠,他虽然不富裕,可心却很善,把挣到的钱救济穷人,结果小天使们为他创造了奇迹,他的生意越做越红火。我还听说这样一件真实的事:有个好心的农妇从败子手里买下了一只野鸭,并细心照料它。最终,野鸭为那个并不有钱的农妇创造了一笔不菲的财富。 然而,并不是所有的人都是善良的,恶毒的人总会遭到惩罚。《白雪公主》中的王后就是很好的例子。她千方百计,不择手段地伤害白雪公主,末了却为了那颗妒忌心而活活气死。妇孺皆知的大灰狼,不但没有得逞,吃掉小山羊,而且还白白搭上了性命,正是应验了那句恶有恶报。可以说一个人失去了善良,就等于失去了灵魂,失去了人性,就等于行尸走肉。那些犯罪的不法分子也该醒醒了!他们利用了别人的善良,逍遥法外,为所欲为,真是可憎、可恶、可气、可恨!


阅读格林童话心得体会范文篇2 《格林童话》这本书是由雅可布.格林和他的弟弟威廉.格林合写的,你们可能以为他们只写童话,那你就大错特错了。他们研究范围涉及到语言学、哲学、文艺学等诸多领域。





阅读格林童话心得体会范文篇3 我始终记得这样一句话:近朱者赤,近墨者黑。这句话用在我们对书的选择上也非常的合适。因为一本好书可以影响一个人的一生,一本坏书也可以影响一个人的一生。对于处于人之初的我们来说,人生最初的几本书尤为重要。我从小就爱看童话和寓言故事,因为它具有感化和教育我们儿童的力量。在这些书中,我最爱的是《格林童话》。在那些新颖、鲜活、生动的童话中,我找到了另外一个多彩而真实的世界,幼小的心灵认识和感受到了什么是真善美,什么是假恶丑,以一颗充满童真的心看待自己身边的一切。



阅读格林童话心得体会范文篇4 《格林童话》写的很精彩,一口气就看了十几篇故事。下面,我谈谈自己的阅读感受吧!





好了今天就先说到这里了,再见!o(∩_∩)o 哈哈拜拜。


Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

When God created the world and was about to determine the duration of life for all the creatures, the donkey came and asked, "Lord, how long am I to live?"

"Thirty years," answered God. "Is that all right with you?"

"Oh, Lord," replied the donkey, "that is a long time. Think of my tiresome1 existence carrying heavy loads from morning until night, dragging bags of grain to the mill so that others might eat bread, only to be cheered along and refreshed with kicks and blows! Spare me part of this long time."

So God had mercy and gave him eighteen years. The donkey went away satisfied, and the dog made his appearance.

"How long do you want to live?" said God to him. "Thirty years was too much for the donkey, but you will be satisfied with that long."

"Lord," answered the dog. "Is that your will? Just think how much I have to run. My feet will not hold out so long. And what can I do but growl2 and run from one corner to another after I have lost my voice for barking and my teeth for biting?"

God saw that he was right, and he took away twelve years. Then came the monkey.

"Surely you would like to live thirty years," said the Lord to him. "You do not need to work like the donkey and the dog, and are always having fun."

"Oh, Lord," he answered, "so it appears, but it is different. When it rains porridge, I don't have a spoon. I am always supposed to be playing funny tricks and making faces so people will laugh, but when they give me an apple and I bite into it, it is always sour. How often is sorrow hidden behind a joke. I cannot put up with all that for thirty years!"

God had mercy and gave him ten years. Finally man made his appearance. Cheerful, healthy, and refreshed, he asked God to determine the duration of his life.

"You shall live thirty years," spoke3 the Lord. "Is that enough for you?"

"What a short time!" cried the man. "When I have built a house and a fire is burning on my own hearth4, when I have planted trees that blossom and bear fruit, and am just beginning to enjoy life, then I am to die. Oh, Lord, extend my time."

"I will add the donkey's eighteen years," said God.

"That is not enough," replied the man.

"You shall also have the dog's twelve years."

"Still too little."

"Well, then," said God, "I will give you the monkey's ten years as well, but you shall receive no more."

The man went away, but he was not satisfied.

Thus man lives seventy years. The first thirty are his human years, and they quickly disappear. Here he is healthy and happy; he works with pleasure, and enjoys his existence. The donkey's eighteen years follow. Here one burden after the other is laid on him; he carries the grain that feeds others, and his faithful service is rewarded with kicks and blows. Then come the dog's twelve years, and he lies in the corner growling5, no longer having teeth with which to bite. And when this time is past, the monkey's ten years conclude. Now man is weak headed and foolish; he does silly things and becomes a laughingstock for children.#p#副标题#e#









































Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

There was a village where all the peasants were rich except for just one poor one, whom they called the little peasant. He did not own a single cow, and had even less money to buy one with, but he and his wife would have liked to have one ever so much.

One day he said to her, "Listen, I have a good idea. Our kinsman1 the cabinetmaker should make us a calf2 out of wood and paint it brown so that it looks like any other calf, and with time it is sure to grow big and be a cow."

His wife liked this idea, and their kinsman the cabinetmaker skillfully put together the calf and planed it, then painted it just right. He made it with its head hanging down as if it were grazing.

When the cows were being driven out the next morning the little peasant called to the herder and said, "Look, I have a little calf here, but it is still small and has to be carried."

The herder said, "All right," and taking it in his arms he carried it to the pasture where he set it in the grass.

The little calf stood there like one that was grazing, and the herder said, "It will soon be walking by itself. Just look how it is already grazing."

That evening when he was about to drive the herd3 home again, he said to the calf, "If you can stand there and eat your fill, you can also walk on your four legs. I don't want to carry you home again in my arms."

When the herder drove the cows through the village the little peasant was standing4 outside his door waiting for his little calf. It was missing, and he asked where it was.

The herder answered, "It is still standing out there grazing. It would not stop and come with us."

The little peasant said, "Oh, I must have my animal back again."

Then together they went back to the pasture, but someone had stolen the calf, and it was gone.

The herder said, "It must have run away."

The little peasant said, "Don't tell me that," and he took the herder before the mayor, who condemned5 him for his carelessness, and required him to give the little peasant a cow for the lost calf.

The little peasant and his wife now had the cow that they had long wanted. They were very glad, but they had no feed for it, and could give it nothing to eat, so it soon had to be slaughtered6.

They salted the meat, and the little peasant went to town to sell the hide, hoping to buy a new calf with the proceeds.

On the way he came to a mill, and there sat a raven7 with broken wings. Out of pity he picked it up and wrapped it in the hide.

But then the weather turned very bad with a wind and rain storm. Unable to continue on his way, he returned to the mill and asked for shelter.

The miller8's wife was alone in the house, and she said to the little peasant, "You can sleep in the straw there," and she gave him a piece of bread and cheese.

The little peasant ate and then lay down with his hide at his side. The woman thought, "He is tired and has fallen asleep."

In the meantime the priest arrived. The miller's wife received him well, and said, "My husband is out, so we can have a feast."

The little peasant listened, and when he heard them talking about feasting he was angry that he had had to make do with a piece of bread and cheese. Then the woman served up four different things: a roast, salad, cake, and wine. They were just about to sit down and eat when someone knocked on the outside door.

The woman said, "Oh, God, it's my husband." She quickly hid the roast inside the tile stove, the wine under the pillow, the salad on top of the bed, the cake under the bed, and the priest in the hallway chest.

Then opening the door for her husband, she said, "Thank heaven, you are back again. That is such a storm, as if the world were coming to an end."

The miller saw the little peasant lying in the straw and asked, "What is that fellow doing there?"

"Oh," said his wife, "The poor rascal9 came in the storm and rain and asked for shelter, so I gave him a piece of bread and cheese, and let him lie in the straw."

The man said, "I have nothing against that, but hurry and get me something to eat."

His wife said, " I have nothing but bread and cheese."

"I'll be satisfied with anything," answered her husband. "Bread and cheese will be good enough for me." Then he looked at the little peasant and said, "Come and eat some more with me."

The little peasant did not have to be asked twice, but got up and ate.

Afterward10 the miller saw the hide with the raven in it lying on the ground, and asked, "What do you have there?"

The little peasant answered, "I have a fortune-teller inside it."

"Can he predict anything for me?" said the miller.

"Why not?" answered the little peasant. "But he only says four things, and the fifth he keeps to himself."

The miller was curious and said, "Let him predict something."

Then the little peasant pressed against the raven's head, so that he cawed and said, "krr, krr."

The miller said, "What did he say?"

The little peasant answered, "First of all, he says that there is some wine under the pillow."

"That would be something!" cried the miller, and went there and found the wine. "Say some more," he said.

The little peasant made the raven caw again, then said, "Secondly11, he says that there is a roast in the tile stove."

"That would be something!" cried the miller, and went there and found the roast.

The little peasant made the raven prophesy12 still more, and said, "Thirdly, he says that there is some salad on top of the bed."

"That would be something!" cried the miller, and went there and found the salad.

At last the little peasant pressed against the raven once more until he cawed, and said, "Fourthly, he says that there is a cake under the bed."

"That would be something!" cried the miller, and looked there and found the cake. Then the two of them sat down at the table together. But the miller's wife was frightened to death and went to bed, taking all the keys with her.

The miller would have liked very much to know the fifth thing, but the little peasant said, "First, let us eat the four things in peace, for the fifth thing is something bad."

So they ate, after which they bargained as to how much the miller would pay for the fifth prophesy, finally agreeing on three hundred talers. Then the little peasant once more pressed against the raven's head until he cawed loudly.

The miller asked, "What did he say?"

The little peasant answered, "He says that the devil is hiding out there in the hallway chest."

The miller said, "The devil must leave," and opened the outside door.

Then the woman had to give up the keys, and the little peasant unlocked the chest. The priest ran out as fast as he could, and the miller said, " I saw the black fellow with my own eyes. It was true."

The next morning at dawn the little peasant quickly made off the with the three hundred talers.

At home the little peasant gradually began to prosper13. He built a nice house, and the peasants said, "The little peasant has certainly been to the place where golden snow falls and people carry money home by the bushel."

Then the little peasant was summoned before the mayor and ordered to tell where his wealth came from.

He answered, "I sold my cow's hide in the town for three hundred talers."

When the peasants heard this, they too wanted to benefit from this favorable exchange. They ran home, slaughtered all their cows, and stripped off their hides in order to sell them in the town at this great profit.

The mayor, however, said, "But my maid must go first."

When she came to the buyer in the town, he did not give her more than three talers for one hide, and when the others came, he did not give them even that much, saying, "What am I to do with all these hides?"

Then the peasants were angry that the little peasant had deceived them. Wanting to take revenge against him, they accused him of fraud before the mayor. The innocent little peasant was unanimously sentenced to death, and he was to be rolled into the water in a barrel pierced with holes. He was led out, and a priest was brought who was to say a mass for his soul. The others had to step back, and when the little peasant looked at the priest he recognized the man who had been with the miller's wife.

He said to him, "I freed you from the chest. Free me from the barrel."

Just then a shepherd came by with a flock of sheep. It was the very shepherd who, as the little peasant knew, had long wanted to be mayor. Then the little peasant cried out with all his might, "No, I will not do it! Even if the whole world insists on it, I will not do it!"

Hearing this, the shepherd came up to him, and asked, "What are you up to? What is it that you will not do?"

The little peasant said, "They want to make me mayor, if I will get into the barrel, but I will not do it."

The shepherd said, "If that is all that is needed to be mayor, I would get into the barrel at once."

The little peasant said, "If you will get in, then you will be mayor."

The shepherd agreed and got in, and the little peasant nailed the top down. Then he took the shepherd's flock for himself, and drove it away. The priest went to the people and told them that the mass had been read. Then they came and rolled the barrel towards the water. As the barrel began to roll, the shepherd cried out, "I will gladly be mayor."

They believed that it was the little peasant who was saying this and answered, "That is what we intend, but first take a look around down there," and they rolled the barrel into the water.

After that the peasants went home, and as they were entering the village, the little peasant approached them, happily driving a flock of sheep. The astonished peasants said, "Little peasant, where are you coming from? Did you come out of the water?"

"Yes indeed," answered the little peasant. "I sank deep, deep down, until at last I reached the bottom. I pushed the bottom out of the barrel, and crawled out. There were beautiful meadows there, where many lambs were grazing. I brought this flock with me from there."

The peasants said, "Are there more there?"

"Oh, yes," he said. "More than you could use."

Then the peasants decided14 that they too would get some sheep for themselves, a flock for each one of them, but the mayor said, "I come first."

So they went to the water together, and just then in the blue sky there were some of the small fleecy clouds that are called little lambs. They were reflected in the water, and the peasants cried out, "We can already see the sheep down there on the bottom."

The mayor pushed his way to the front, saying, "I will go down first, and take a look around. If everything is all right, I shall call you." Then he jumped in.

"Plop," went the water. They thought that he was calling them to come, and the whole lot of them hastily plunged15 in after him.

Then the entire village was dead, and the little peasant, as the only heir, became a rich man. #p#







