


留学生经济学论文:经济增长效应 The Effect Of Economic Growth   简单的经济学解释说,有一定的宏观经济目标,每一个经济体都应该寻求实现。这些措施包括充分就业、价格稳定、收支平衡和经济增长。然而,世界经济的排名这些目标之前,自己,这取决于这种经济发展水平。 例如,显而易见的是,尼日利亚中央银行在过去的时间内投资的稳定价格水平的政策措施。这在很大程度上是有一个增长可以增加和减少失业的手段之一。换句话说,对就业水平等宏观经济目标之间的增加是一个重要的目标在许多发展中国家,失业和未充分利用的资源导致了贫困率上升。   Nigeria is an economy characterized by several policies which are aimed at correcting adverse conditions limiting its growth and possibly its survival as a nation. Some of these policies however lack good formation, implementation and monitoring. This is evident even in current policies of power transformation, foreign direct investment encouragement and other past plans and programmes of the government.   Simple economics explains that there are certain macroeconomic objectives that every economy should seek to achieve. These include full employment, price stability, balance of payment equilibrium and economic growth. Economies of the world however rank these objectives prior to themselves, depending on the level of development of such economy.   For example, it is evident that the Central Bank of Nigeria had in time past invested its policy measures on stabilizing the price level. This to a large extent is described has one of the means by which growth can be increased and unemployment reduced. In other words, the goal of increasing the level of employment among other macroeconomic objectives is an important one in many developing nations where unemployment and underutilization of resources has led to rising rate of poverty.   Given that there are several visions and continuous establishment of agencies and parastatals within the Nigerian economy more than other nations of the world, the achievement of impressive growth and acceptable employment level remains in prospect. High rate of unemployment, unimpressive growth rates and poverty among other miseries of the populace, are the order of the day.   Facts gotten from publications for the Nigerian economy as analyzed by Adebayo and Ogunrinola, 2006 and the National Bureau of Statistics 2010(NBS), shows a high rate of unemployment and underemployment, for instance, the rate of unemployment was 12% in March 2005; it rose to 19.7% in March 2009 while the rate of underemployment was around 19% in 1998.   This rate of unemployment can be considered high based on the overall performance of the Nigerian economy as at that time. As a matter of emphasis, among the youths in the 15-24 age brackets, the rate of unemployment was observed to be over 40% according to the 2010 edition of the Labour Force Sample Survey of the National Bureau of Statistics.

  It is important to note that the study of employment and economic growth cannot be separated from their respective determinants. As explained in 2001 by Fofana N. F. in his work, "Employment and Economic Growth in the Cote d'Ivoire: An Analysis of Structural Determinants", the issue of real output and employment growth in developing nations is a requirement for poverty reduction and a more equitable income distribution. This means that other economic indices are tied to the basics of employment and factors affecting it.   In the light of the above therefore, Adebayo and Ogunrinola, 2006; Oladeji, 1994; Omotor and Gbosi 2006 explained that many studies on Nigeria's employment situation have been devoted to unemployment and its determinants and/or its impacts on economic growth. These studies mostly conclude on the nature of employment and may also suggest reasons and solutions to the curse of unemployment.   Oni, 2006; Patterson et al 2006 also opined that "Though from a quick look at the Nigerian data on employment level and real GDP, it appears that the recent economic growth trends and patterns have been insufficient to make any appreciable impact on employment generation and poverty reduction, but this has not been sufficiently investigated empirically in the literature".   It is thus needful to find out categorically the causal effect between employment and economic growth based on available data collected by various data gathering establishments.   STATEMENT OF RESEARCH PROBLEM 研究问题陈述 The major problem identified in the Nigerian context is that of these increases in these economic growth indicators, unemployment has really been a major cause for concern. Policies and policy target to curb unemployment have really not been working and various labor market laws and policy have not really worked.   In macroeconomics analysis growth has been described to have positive relationship with the level of employment. According to various economic principles this has been proven. Of such principle is the okun's law which states that has the economy grows by say 3%, the rate of unemployment is to reduce by 1% and vice versa. But the reverse has been the case in the Nigerian context. The economy in recent times has been experiencing growth but the level of unemployment has been increasing both among the youth and among working class adults.   The various theoretical literatures read shows that the nexus between the employment rate and the level of growth as stated in the paragraph above is a positive one, contradicting the Okun's law. This stated fact is shown by the recent figures on both employment and economic growth. The rates of economic growth for 2010 to December, 2012 are as follows: 7.76% to 6.99% respectively and those of unemployment from 2010 to 2012 are as follows: 19.7% to 23.9% respectively (Source: tradingeconomics.com/ Nigeria Bureau of Statistics).

  These growth figures shown above tell us about the break from the norm that the Nigerian economy is passing through. But in a normal economy the increased level of growth is supposed to boost the level of income, level of investment, level of consumption and savings and eventually the level of employment. But the reverse has been the case in the Nigerian context: the employment generation rate keeps falling, the unemployment rate keeps rising and the growth rate has to some extent increased consistently with minimal fluctuations.   The problem that this research wishes to deal with has to do in details with the nature and dynamics of this growth; what has influenced it overtime? Why has it that this increased growth has had no significant effect on the rate of employment generation? And finally how these increases in growth can be exploited to get maximum growth in employment generation rate.   RESEARCH QUESTION 研究问题 Thus, given the above problems, the research questions are;   What are the major relationships between employment generation and economic growth?   What are the effects of economic growth rates on employment generation and how wide is the gap between the two economic objectives?   How is this gap going to be reduced?   Which is the best macroeconomic model and strategy to adopt to curb unemployment Nigeria?   RESEARCH OBJECTIVES 研究目标 The major objective of the study is to empirically investigate whether employment increases or unemployment decreases with increasing economic growth rate.   The specific objectives of the study are:   To model the rate of economic growth in Nigeria with respect to its effect on employment rates and policy.   To examine the role of various policy regimes in busting the economic growth and also policies to increase the rate employment in the economy.   To review the various types of employment and the employment strategies with respect to various job types and how it has affected growth.   To show various trends in the data of both economic growth and unemployment, look at the various gap analysis and then model ways of reducing the gaps identified between economic growth and employment.   To provide policy recommendation(s)   RESEARCH HYPOTHESES 研究假设 The research aims at testing the following hypotheses:   Hypothesis 1 Ho: αi=0 There is no relationship between economic growth and employment rates.

  Ha: αi‰  0 There is a relationship between economic growth and employment rates.   Hypothesis 2 Ho : αi=0 There is no significant effect of economic growth on employment.   Ha : αi‰  0 There is significant effect of economic growth on employment.   JUSTIFICATION OF THE STUDY 研究的正当性 Many occurrences about the fluctuations between the economic growth rate and the increasing level of unemployment as influenced researchers in recent times to study the great influence of the growth rate on the level of employment in the Nigeria economy. Due to the fact that the Nigerian economy is becoming increasingly sophisticated hence the need to study the relationships between this two concepts since it has been stated in various literature that both economic indicator has very high influence on other economic variables like the exchange rates stability, price stability etc. Various studies from the review of theoretical literature, has shown that the rate of unemployment is growing likewise the rate of growth in the economy. This prompted the study to further advance the study on the impact of the latter on the former and also to know more about the impending issues which have also been mentioned in other literatures.   ORGANIZATION OF THE CHAPTERS 各章组织 This project is divided into five chapters. The first chapter gives a general introduction of the study, the statement of the research problem, objective(s) of the study, research hypothesis, and the justification of the study. Chapter two is the review of related concepts; theoretical and empirical literature, while chapter three presents the research methodology. Chapter four ispresentation of data, interpretation and analysis of result. Finally, chapter five presents the summary, conclusion and recommendation. Other miscellaneous details are presented in the appendix.   SCOPE OF THE STUDY 研究范围 This research work describes why, how and if there is a major impact of economic growth on the rate of unemployment in the Nigerian economy. This also will examine the role of government in curbing unemployment through various policies from 1990 till date.   SECTION 2 CONCEPTUAL LITERATURE 文献概念 ECONOMIC GROWTH 经济增长 Economic growth is measured in terms of growth in real GDP. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is measured in terms of the amount of final goods and services produced in a particular country in an accounting period excluding income from abroad. This growth rate is always measured in real terms which are described as inflation adjusted terms.


【关键词】 空中管制风险预警 交通流量增长环境 安全性


1 空中管制风险预警在交通流量快速增长环境中问题的研究方法



2 基于交通流量快速增长现象,构建空中管制风险预警模型

2.1 准确科学的确定空中管制风险预警模型的边界



2.2 有效的构建空中管制风险预警流图


3 结语









(来源:文章屋网 )















7、荷尽已无擎雨盖,菊残犹有傲霜枝。——苏轼《赠刘景文 / 冬景》








